No more wall socket woes
Dear diary, today I went to watch the season finale of my favourite TV show - having raced to wire up my new amplifier, but I missed the show completely! I couldn't even tape it! I hadn't realised that the ancient antenna socket down behind my home theatre system was the old straight-sided PAL TV antenna sort - my new amp takes a threaded F-type coaxial plug! Ugh. Looks like I'll have to wait for the rerun.
Sound familiar? I hope not. But this really could be you! Well, it might have been, if it weren't for my clandestine raid on an electronics supplier. I broke in late at night and updated their books so I'd get regular deliveries of these top secret High Speed 5m F-Type to PAL TV Antenna Cables. They're really handy for easing the transition between socket types either from the wall plate to your device or inside the wall cavities themselves.
Five metres should give you plenty of wiggle room for most installations, but if you're still short on length, feel free to daisy-chain in one of my 10m F-Type Coaxial Aerial Cables or a Pro Series 15m Male to Male TV Antenna Cable!