There are plenty of things to fear in life. Things like spiders. And scorpions. And land sharks. And venom moths... But those phobias are totally rational – everyone has them. Me? I've got a doozy that I hope you never experience: It's when you’re just about to plug in your new sound equipment and find that you’re one basic adaptor short of hearing what it can do. This event typically takes place about three minutes before end of trade on a Friday afternoon, but is also common at similar times before public holidays.
My personal cure is to keep a stock of common adaptors on hand at all times, and that's where this great little 2.5mm Mono Mini Jack to 3.5mm Mono Socket (Female) adaptor comes in. It'll convert any 3.5mm mono audio jack down to a super-slim 2.5mm mono mini audio jack, or perform the reverse and convert upwards – regardless of whether it's feeding an extension, speaker, headphone or other cabling requirement. How handy is that? So avoid your greatest fear, because it's easier than facing it!
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