Breaker! Breaker! 1-9, you got your ears on?
While 6.5mm TRS audio sockets are becoming rarer these days, there are still plenty of places where you might run into equipment or cables that make use of the larger plug type. Whether it's old in-wall cabling that you've no cause to replace or perhaps a Boat Anchor (large, heavy radio set) that needs a new set of headphones on the cheap; this little 3.5mm Socket to 6.5mm Jack Adapter has you covered. It'll convert in both directions and work directly into components or as a coupler for cable extensions without a single word of complaint (if our adapters start talking, please let us know).
Carries a five year warranty along with all your 3.5 to 6.5 audio jack signals through silver connectors. More fun than a truckload of seat covers!